Blooming Northeast

Blooming Northeast

Last updated: Mar, 2021
Blooming Northeast

Northeast India is the eastern most region of India comprising eight states—Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura. The region comprises an area measuring 262,230 square kilometres, ~9% of that of India, and houses a population of >46 million, which is 3.76% of India's population; and contributes 3% to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). Northeast India is the melting pot of various cultures and traditions and offers unique opportunities in terms of economic development.

The region shares an international border of 5,182 kilometres (~99% of its total geographical boundary) with several neighbouring countries, including Tibet (1,395 kilometres), China (in the north), Myanmar (1,640 kilometres in the east), Bangladesh (1,596 kilometres in south-west), Nepal (97 kilometres in the west) and Bhutan (455 kilometres in north-west). Given its rich natural resources and strategic location, the region has the potential to become a powerhouse in terms of trade and investment.
