Of the 6,000 medicinal plants in India, 834 plants, including the famous Himalayan Yew, are in Meghalaya. Moreover, the state has 8 of the top 20 medicinal plants that are traded in the country and are in high demand.
At current prices, the gross state domestic product (GSDP) of Meghalaya has been estimated at Rs. 52,974 crore (US$ 6.36 billion) in 2024-25BE. The state’s GSDP (in Rs.) is expected to increase at a CAGR of 8.47% between 2015-16 and 2024-25BE. Assam and on the south and the west with Bangladesh. Meghalaya, with an average annual rainfall of 1,150 cm, receives the highest amount of rainfall in the country. The diverse range of soil types, including red-loamy and laterite, support various agricultural crops like rice, maize, pulses, oilseeds, cotton, jute, and mesta. The state has achieved success in the cultivation of non-traditional crops like tea, cashew nuts, oilseeds, tomatoes, mushrooms, wheat, etc. During 2019–20*, the state produced 393.51 thousand tonnes of fruits and 75.38 thousand tonnes of spices.
At current prices, the net state domestic product (NSDP) of Meghalaya reached Rs. 37,925 crore (US$ 4.76 billion) in 2022-23. The state’s NSDP (in Rs.) increased at a CAGR of 7.73% between 2015-16 and 2022-23.
This was driven by trade, hotels, real estate, finance, insurance, transport, communications and other services. Primary sector, the largest contributor to Meghalaya’s economy, expanded at a CAGR of 10.73% between 2011-12 and 2022-23.
Meghalaya, with abundant deposits of coal, limestone, kaolin feldspar, quartz, granite, industrial clay and uranium, and a small deposit base of sillimanite, bauxite, base metals and apatite has great industrial potential. Meghalaya, one of the most picturesque states in the country, has two national parks and three wildlife sanctuaries. It offers many adventure tourism opportunities like mountaineering, rock climbing, hiking and trekking, water sports, etc.
In FY24 passenger traffic at Barapani Airport reached 1,54,658 and aircraft movements at the airport stood at 3,839.
According to the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), FDI inflows in Meghalaya stood at US$ 1.14 million between October 2019-June 2024.
Meghalaya recorded US$ 6.12 million worth of exports in 2025 (Until August 2024). Iron and Steel, Processed minerals, Petroleum products, coal, coke and briquettes account for a majority share in the overall exports from the state.
Note: * - As per 2022-23 (3rd Adv. Est.), MW - Megawatt