The Government of India launched the Stand Up India scheme on April 5, 2016, as part of efforts to support entrepreneurship among women and Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe (SC & ST) communities. The scheme is similar to, but different from, Start-up India, as both are enablers and beneficiaries of other key government schemes such as Make in India, Industrial Corridor, Dedicated Freight Corridor, Sagarmala, Bharatmala, Digital India, BharatNet and UMANG (Unified Mobile Application for New-age Governance).
Stand Up India aims to empower every Indian and enable them to be independent. The programme recognises challenges faced by the Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and women entrepreneurs in setting up enterprises, obtaining loans and other support needed from time to time for succeeding in business. The programme, consequently, aims to create an ecosystem that facilitates and continues to provide a supportive environment for doing business.
The objective of the scheme is to facilitate composite bank loans (including term loan and working capital) between Rs. 10 lakh (US$ 14,000) and Rs. 1 crore (US$ 140,000) to at least one SC or ST borrower and one-woman borrower per bank branch (without collateral) for setting up a Greenfield enterprise. This enterprise can be set up in either of these sectors—manufacturing, services, agri-allied activities, or trading. In case of non-individual enterprises, at least 51% of the shareholding and controlling stake should be held by either an SC/ST or women entrepreneur.
The composite loan (85% of the project cost) includes term loan and working capital. The loan will not be applicable if the borrower’s contribution, along with convergence support from any other schemes, exceeds 15% of the project cost.
The rate of interest would be the lowest applicable rate of the bank for that category (rating category) and should not exceed Base Rate (Marginal Cost of Fund-based Lending Rate (MCLR)) + 3% + Tenor Premium.
Besides primary security, the loan may be secured by collateral security or guarantee of the Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Stand Up India Loans (CGFSIL) as decided by the banks.
The loan is repayable in seven years with a maximum moratorium period of 18 months.
For withdrawal of working capital up to Rs. 10 lakh (US$ 14,000), the same may be sanctioned by way of overdraft. Rupay debit card to be issued to all borrowers for convenience. Additionally, working capital limit above Rs. 10 lakh (US$ 14,000) to be sanctioned by way of cash credit limit.
The scheme envisages 15% margin money, which can be provided in convergence with the Central/State schemes. While such schemes can be withdrawn for availing admissible subsidies or meeting margin money requirements, in all cases, the borrower shall be required to bring in a minimum 10% of the project cost as its own contribution.
Banks have sanctioned Rs. 25,586 crore (US$ 3.41 billion) to about 114,322 beneficiaries under the Stand Up India Scheme in the last five years since inception for promoting entrepreneurship among women and SCs & STs. As of March 23, 2021, the scheme has benefited 93,094 women entrepreneurs with an outstanding loan of Rs. 21,200 crore (US$ 2.83 billion). About 16,258 entrepreneurs belonging to the SC category have received loans worth Rs. 3,335.87 crore (US$ 445.73 million) and 4,970 entrepreneurs from the ST category have received loans worth Rs. 1,049 crore (US$ 140.16 million). The extension and increased allocation would help support women job seekers who got unemployed in the pandemic year and are seeking alternative sources of income, as the Indian economy is headed for recovery in 2021.
As a part of media awareness and reporting, the following initiatives were taken up by the government to promote the scheme:
The Finance Minister, under the Union Budget 2019-20, announced an extension to Stand Up India scheme until 2025. As of February 2021, the scheme has expanded by 21.3% in terms of the number of loan applications sanctioned by lending institutions and increased by 21.1% in the amount sanctioned in the last one year. Observing phenomenal growth in the number of applicants and sanctioned loans, Stand Up India has certainly created a strong roadmap for welfare of women and the SC/ST population. This growth is likely to continue in future owing to the vast supportive and financial measures taken by the government to uplift the backward society.
Most women entrepreneurs (engaged in the co-operative and self-help group movements) are significantly contributing to the services sector. Intellectuals believe the government (through the Stand Up India scheme) can provide an institutional framework and support services to women to start entrepreneurship in the manufacturing sector too.
The SC & ST population needs to be educated and empowered further (socio-politically) to reap benefits of the Stand Up India scheme. If implemented with a supporting ecosystem, this scheme can indeed transform the socio-economic architecture of rural & urban India and realise the Gandhian directive principle of encouraging village and cottage industries.