According to CyberMedia Research (CMR) India Consumer Storage Flash Device Market Review Report consumer storage market in India increased by 4% YoY in the first quarter of CY2021. The market includes micro SD, flash drive and SD card.
SanDisk was the largest key player with 73% of the market share to the total consumer storage market in India. It was followed by HP with 3% market share.
The market has increase by 15% on quarterly basis.
In terms of market segment, flash drives were the largest segment with 64% share. 32GB capacity with 45% market share was the one of the most popular among its users.
Ms. Shipra Sinha, CMR chief analyst stated that rising popularity of dual drives has become a major growth factor in the flash drive market.“
64GB capacity accounted for 16% market share to the total market share with its shipment increasing at 27% YoY.
According to the report, the entire flash memory card market will remain stable before the end of this year. On the other hand, the flash drive market is expected to expand further to > 10% by the end of 2021, driven by strong demand for dual drives.
Ms. Sinha added that due to the current second wave of COVID-19 and supply disruptions, the second quarter of 2021 might get impacted.
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