Indian Economy News

Mineral production records 6.1% cumulative growth during April-July, 2022-23

The mining and quarrying sector's index of mineral production for the month of July 2022 (Base: 2011-12=100) was 101.1, which was 3.3% lower than the level in the month of July 2021. According to the Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) preliminary statistics, the total growth from April-July 2022–23 over the same time in the previous year increased by 6.1%.

In July 2022, production levels of significant minerals were:

  • Coal - 603 lakh tonnes
  • Lignite - 33 lakh tonnes
  • Natural gas (utilized) - 2811 million cu. m.
  • Petroleum (crude) - 25 lakh tonnes
  • Bauxite - 1526 thousand tonnes
  • Chromite - 192 thousand tonnes
  • Copper conc. - 9 thousand tonnes
  • Gold - 93 kg
  • Iron ore - 155 lakh tonnes
  • Lead conc. - 29 thousand tonnes
  • Manganese ore - 153 thousand tonnes
  • Zinc conc. 127 thousand tonnes
  • Limestone - 306 lakh tonnes
  • Phosphorite - 160 thousand tonnes
  • Magnesite - 10 thousand tonnes
  • Diamond - 22 carat

Disclaimer: This information has been collected through secondary research and IBEF is not responsible for any errors in the same.
