Recipe Contest
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Share your favourite recipes using Indian Produce and win exciting prizes.
Get a chance to be featured in the exclusive Discover India Recipe book. Winning recipes will be recreated by a Celebrity Chef.

Steps to participate

Step 1:

Prepare a recipe of your choice using any one of the following ingredient. You can use multiple ingredients as well;

  1. Indian Basmati Rice
  2. Indian Millets
  3. Indian Fruits
  4. Indian Organic Products

Step 2:

Share photos, videos and your recipe on your social media accounts, tagging @IBEFIndia with the hashtags #DiscoverIndia and #BrandIndia.

Step 3:

Submit recipe in word document along with the pictures or videos of cooking the dish, name the Indian Produce used. Submit recipe with your full name, email address and contact numbers to

Step 4:

The top 50 shortlisted recipes in each category will be featured in the Discover India Recipe Book, with the participant’s name included alongside their recipe.

Step 5:

Our Celebrity Chef will shortlist one recipe from each category and will create them in their own way and will share them on social media channels.

Step 6:

Out of the top 4 recipes shortlisted in Step 5 in each category, the First Prize, Second Prize and Third Prize will be declared by our Chefs. Our Chef will also award consolation prizes to the 10 recipes.

All the top recipes will be featured in the Discover India Recipe Book and will be shared on our social media handles by tagging individuals.

Discover India - Recipe Contest
Name is required and should only contain letters.
Enter a valid phone number with a country code.
Enter a valid email address.
Please upload a file in .doc or .pdf format.


Please Enter Type Recipe


Please Enter Share Recipe Link
